Introducing ourselves
LeRouge&leBlanc is a magazine run by a COLLECTIVE: a diverse group of wine "amateurs" in the French sense of the term - some, nevertheless, put their expertise at the service of an activity in the wine business, but the collective nature of the approach protects the risk of "conflict of interest" - united by a taste for of wine and a profound appreciation for people who make it well. Four times a year since 1983, LeRouge&leBlanc explores vineyards in France and elsewhere, broadening our understanding of terroirs and appellations by seeing firsthand how the best estates and winemakers work with soil, vine and grape...Our goal is to get as close as possible to the wine through a combination of passion and critical thinking, We insist on complete independence and to never be smug, snobby or unjustifiably aggressive in our opinions.
For 35 years, the challenge has been to conduct a magazine of true "amateurs" of wine, stated the editorial of the n ° 1 - free of advertising or other financing, supported solely by our loyal subscribers and readers. Our lack of means at first seemed a weakness, yet instead it is the source of our freedom and credibility – attributes very rare in today's media.
What justified the creation of LeRouge&leBlanc 35 years ago - defending local wines threatened by toxic practices – is now more important than ever. The threats have multiplied. Faced with this, some winemakers, especially an exciting new generation on the fringes - have refused to bend their will or give in. We follow their work attentively and are among their most diligent supporters. There are many reasons for pessimism, but also for optimism, and we feel, by drawing attention to both, we can continue to play a vital role for many years to come.