Technical Files



Interviews and files about scientific and technical questionings in the world of viticulture

A day with Georges Truc: a taste of terroir

A day with Marc Birebent

A day with François Dal: may the sap flow!

Weed or not weed, that is the question

A day with Gérard Ducerf, the man who makes the plants talk

37 pages
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Before wine, there is soil, vine and grapes. Why does a grape variety implanted on a limestone soil produce a very different wine from the one it would generate on shale? Why does a table-grafted vine have a much shorter life expectancy than another one that has been grafted in the  eld? Why does make one special kind of pruning decrease the risk for a vine to develop a wood disease? Is it true that a weed cover has a positive impact on the vine? Should one use managed natural weed cover or sown special seeds? What are the interaction between vine and its surrounding plants? Is it possible to “read” the soil of a vineyard by identifying the other plants growing in it? We have asked those questions and many others to specialists. We offer you to discover the fascinating answers of these experts. They open the eyes of the amateurs we are on a complex world of interactions whose crossed threads are not easy to unravel.